
The word ministry comes from the Latin word “Manus”, which means hand. In the liturgy we worship the Lord using whatever gifts He has given us. St. Paul says: “Together we make a unity in the work of service, building up the body of Christ”.

In a parish, if we believe that our worship is a community worship, in which we all partake, the question arises as to what that part should be?

“The church earnestly desires that Christ’s faithful, when present at this mystery of faith should participate knowingly, devoutly and actively. They should be instructed by God’s Word, and be refreshed at the table of the Lord; they should give thanks not only through the hands of the priest, but with him, they should learn to offer themselves too”.

To achieve this, we have many people actively involved in the various ministries in our church, all helping to make each person’s faith become living, conscious and active. We have flower arrangers,altar society, collectors and sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, readers, choirs, Altar servers, those who take part in the Offertory processions – all of whom take pride in their work and contribute hugely to the smooth running of the various ceremonies and help to create an atmosphere of prayer and worship.

A sense of belonging and community is surely one of the great aims of ministry. Being involved, whether through our presence, prayer, support, or actively offering our hands to help, seems to be one of the most effective ways of achieving this.

Bridge Club

Meet every Thursday 2.30 – 4.30pm in St. Nicholas Parish Centre.

(Please be aware this is not a coaching or teaching gathering)

Pastoral Council Members

The Parish Pastoral Council meet on a monthly basis. If you would like to raise any items/ issues or suggestions at a meeting, please send by email to
St Nicholas Parish Pastoral council email:

Scouting Ireland
Group Leader: Michael Ryan Contact 087-6892237

The group numbers are always dependent on the numbers of Garda vetted trained volunteers.  If you can give your time for any of the sections please contact the group leader or send your details by email.

Beaver Scouts
25th Limerick Scout Group (Shannonbanks).
Caters for children aged 6-8. Meets Mondays 18:30-20:00 hrs (6:30-8:00 p.m.)  and Tuesdays 6.30pm to 8pm

in Scout Hall, Shannonbanks.
Cub Scouts
25th Limerick Scout Group (Shannonbanks).
For children ages 9-11. Meets Wednesdays 7pm to 8.30pm, Thursdays 7:00-8pm , Scout Hall, Shannonbanks.

25th Limerick Scout Group (Shannonbanks).
Children 12-14. Meets Fridays 7:00-9:00 p.m, Scout Hall, Shannonbanks.

Venture Scouts
25th Limerick Scout Group (Shannonbanks).
Children 15-17. Meets Wednesday nights 8.15 – 9.15pm

Weekly Envelope

With our new Mass schedule, some people may attend St. Mary’s church for Mass and if you put a Weekly Envelope for St. Nicholas’ in the basket there,  we assure you IT WILL be returned to St. Nicholas’ and visa versa.
The new boxes of  Weekly Envelopes are currently being distributed and the new box will run to the end of December 2024, so that we can align the envelopes with the Jan to Dec Financial Year.  Thank you again for your wonderful support.

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