Let us continue to pray for those who are ill at this time, those preparing for and awaiting
results of tests, and those in hospital.
Lord Jesus, you are the true friend of all those who suffer anguish…
Remembering those who are Sick
Bridge Club
Meet every Thursday 2.30 – 4.30pm in St. Nicholas Parish Centre.
(Please be aware this is not a coaching or teaching gathering)
Students sitting Exams
A students prayer before exams
Dear Jesus, I place my trust in you as I prepare for my exams. May my mind be calm, my body rested and my spirit inspired. Give me peace and assurance that I will do…
Pastoral Council Members
The Parish Pastoral Council meet on a monthly basis. If you would like to raise any items/ issues or suggestions at a meeting, please send by email to
St Nicholas Parish Pastoral council email: ppcstnicholas@gmail.com